Au Sable Institute is located in the northwest corner of the lower peninsula of Michigan. We are located 44 degress and 49 minutes lattitude... half way between the north pole and the equator! Being in the northeast corner of Kalkaska County, we are right in the middle of the snow belt. This gives us plenty of snow to study, play, snowshoe, and cross country ski in.
We offer environmental studies for kindergarten through grade twelve students. Since our program began in 1977 we have served 120,000 students! Students come from 9 counties of NW lower Michigan.
Topics covered by our 4 hour studies:
- Exploring with the 5 senses
- Birds
- Mammals
- Insects
- Plants
- Pond Study
- Wildlife Study
- Forest Study
- Winter Study
- Celebrating Earth's Cycles
- Water Quality - Surface water
- Groundwater
- Air Quality
This fee does not cover all the expenses of the program. If you believe in providing environmental education for the children of northwest lower Michigan, please consider joining our 100 Club. To be a member, one commits to giving $100 each year for 5 years.
If you are a teacher trying to raise the money to come to Au Sable, check out This website was begun by a classroom teacher trying to raise the money for his classroom projects. A teacher can list his or her classroom project or needs. Potential donors can read through the requests and choose projects to donate to.